Aardvark Safaris
Based in the UK, Aardvark Safaris is an award-winning tour operator specialising in Africa and the Indian Ocean. The team pride themselves on having a 'little black book' of contacts that is without compare, with access to hidden gems and out of the way places that can turn a safari from a good holiday into the trip of a lifetime.
Ads reach
949845 -
Page engagement
539012 -
Post reactions
133672 -
Link clicks
39262 -
Newsletter sign ups
The Brief
The main goal was new client acquisition. Booking a safari can be overwhelming, especially to someone booking for the first time. Dart PR was approached to get in front of people who were prospecting for a safari and lead them to make contact with the knowledgeable team.
Our Solution
The Aardvark team are experts in their field with a wealth of experience. This brand messaging was already being conveyed across their regular blogs, newsletter and Insider's Guide to African Safaris. The next step was to make this work harder for them via their social media channels.
The campaign relied upon making best use of this excellent content for maximum results, with targeted outreach and a remarketing sequence to showcase Aardvark's resource and dedication.
Audiences of their competitors’ followers and lookalikes of existing clients were built in Facebook, further refined by interests and demographics. Tailored ads were then delivered for specific segments such as Family or Riding Safaris.
This was supported by serving up informative content and the 'Aardvark Guarantee' to website visitors by way of an Instant Experience (Canvas) Facebook ad. Helping to reinforce the ‘why book with Aardvark’ messaging, the Aardvark package rather than product. Leveraging the seamless Facebook and Instagram lead generation ads, these warm prospects were invited to sign up to the company’s regular inspirational newsletter.
• Facebook and Instagram traffic and engagement campaigns
• Website retargeting
• Facebook Instant Experience
• Lead generation